Running On Fumes

One Mans Run To Mordor
2023 January 1st – And So It Begins
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2023 January 1st – And So It Begins
My 2023 new year's challenge... Running to Mordor! 1815 miles (2820 km) starting at Hobbiton in the Shire, through middle earth, and straight to Mount Doom!

"One does not simply walk into Mordor" - Boromir

Running On Fumes - And so it begins

My 2023 new year's challenge... Running to Mordor! 1815 miles (2820 km) starting at Hobbiton in the Shire, through middle earth, and straight to Mount Doom!

This was a new years challenge that escalated rather quickly. While the original plan started as a run to Mordor, the original challenge was believed to be a mere 282 miles (454 km) rather than the 1815 miles it has become. Upon signing up for the challenge I received an activation token for my Lord Of the Rings challenge, only to find out that the activation token only worked for one out of the five challenges. The challenge I wanted to embark upon was locked! To unlock my challenge the other four challenges needed to be completed, quickly amplifying the distance of my run.

Hobbiton to Mordor Running Challenge

While running to Mordor is the goal, the challenge does count all steps taken whether walked or run. My aim is to predominantly run the distance but inevitably there will be a significant amount of walking. This could be helpful given I have been injury prone in the past. Here's hoping that my knees and calf's hold up.

To start the journey to Mordor a 5 mile round trip to the Old Red Lion in Holmes Chapel.