Running On Fumes

One Mans Run To Mordor
2023 January 19th – Arriving in Bree
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2023 January 19th – Arriving in Bree
19 Days into my run to Mordor and I have arrived in Bree.

19 Days into my run to Mordor and I have arrived in Bree.

The statistics

That's 233km travelled in total, which is 12% of the total distance for the challenge and equates to 12.5km travelled each day. That distance is a little lower than what I had initially thought I could achieve but I am still happy with my accomplishment. At my current pace I should complete the challenge in 228 days which would mean that I would complete the challenge on August 16th.

The Shire to Bree

Unfortunately the Shire to Bree challenge was only part 1 out of 5 of the Lord Of the Rings Virtual Challenge which means there are another 4 stages to go. The next phase is the 'Fellowship' phase, which is the longest out of the 5 phases and comes in at 1094km.

The remaining parts of the run

I should note that there is a shorter option for the Fellowship challenge, which would reduce the length to 157km but I decided to go for the longer one of the two. The shorter route is aimed at walkers and runners and the longer route aimed at cyclists and running enthusiasts like myself. I say running enthusiasts like me, but I think it was just a deep down feeling that running an extra 937km somehow meant that I got better value for money for my running challenge (I know, I know)! I now justify that by proclaiming that I will be infinitely healthier for running this extra distance.